Saturday, 9 February 2019

Maurice Braspenning / Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch
The Scream
oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard
91 x 73,5 cm
The National Museum, Oslo, Norway

As a teenager, I have always been a big fan of Edvard Munch and many of the expressionists and the abstract expressionism. At the Rietveld Academy, where I studied, it was the time of conceptual art, and little or no paint. The entire painting department also got another name: autonoom (autonomous).
Anyway, during my education this passion for expressionism was pushed to the background a bit.
But in the last few years, my passion has returned in full force and I must and want to admit that. To be honest, it is the work that I can really relate to, it is part of me. You probably know it, as you grow older you can focus better and you target on those things that really matter to you.

Maurice Braspenning, 2019

Upcoming exhibition:
Maurice Braspenning  - 'Dreamland'
Jan van Hoof Galerie, 's-Hertogenbosch NL
February 17 - March 10 2019

Maurice Braspenning (NL)
acrylic on panel
30 x 24 cm

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