Saturday, 26 January 2019

Kees de Goede / Walt Disney

Walt Disney
Secrets of Life
Feature-length documentary

The first visual sensation I can remember is from when I was 10-11 years of age.
As a festive last school day before a school holiday, I went to a cinema for the very first time.
It probably was Christmas break, because I remember when I left the cinema excited at the end of the afternoon, it was already dark.
In the supporting program of "101 Dalmatians - Night of the cold noses" there was a film in which time lapse photography showed how plants and flowers emerged from the ground from nothing or from just a blade. In a few minutes time they became a plant, got flowers and started to bloom.
You saw everything grow and become green, buds unfolded and turned into flowers.
It made an unforgettable impression on me.
As a little boy I found out that everything is constantly moving and changing, and that everything is connected.
I saw tremendous energy in everything that lives and moves.
Walt Disney with "Secrets of Life" is therefore the artist who left me a lasting first impression.

Kees de Goede, 2019

Kees de Goede (NL)
Lied van de aarde
oil on linen over a frame of branches
190 x 190 x 38 cm
photo Rob Versluys

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Anuli Croon / Saul Steinberg

Saul Steinberg
The View of the World from 9th Avenue
71 x 48 cm

Saul Steinberg
New York Moonlight

Saul Steinberg

Saul Steinberg: "I managed to get out of a number of culs-de-sac, some of the vulgarities of humorous drawing and the banalities of commercial art, while still preserving a little of that element of mediocrity – I’d almost say vulgarity – that I wouldn’t care to give up, since I consider it something necessary; like a man who, in changing his social class, still wouldn’t want to break up with his wife and old friends."

Anuli Croon
One of Us III 
acrylic on linen
180 x 150 cm

Anuli Croon (NL)
Blak landscape [Stars]
acrylic on linen
180 x 150 cm